Evaluating Objectives of TVET in Kenya in Light of Pragmatic Theory towards Lifelong Learning: A Holistic Approach to Competency Training





Objectives, Lifelong Learning, Pragmatic Theory, TVET


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), World Bank and different countries including Kenya have placed education and training as a central tool towards youth employability and realization of the industrialization agenda. Despite the dying industries and increase in demand for employability skill in training, TVET graduates lack employability skills. The study was tasked to evaluating objectives of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Kenya in light of pragmatic theory towards lifelong learning: A holistic approach to Competency Training. The study sought to answer the following research question; what are the objectives of TVET in Kenya in light of pragmatic theory towards lifelong learning. The study was a literature review and both Primary and secondary sources were used, this overruled the adoption of quantitative tools and methods towards data collection and analysis. Since the study was a qualitative review, constructivism paradigm and a philosophical design were adopted. The methods were philosophical analysis and synthesis. Philosophical analysis method was used in reviewing commissions, presidential taskforce reports, acts of parliament and policies. Synthesis method was adopted in developing arguments and searching for the findings of the study. The study found out that education and training in Kenya has been polished by Policy documents and Taskforce reports towards realizing the country’s development agenda. The study also found out that the objectives of TVET have not been explicitly stated in the past documents it is after the TVET Act 2013 that clearly reorients TVET as an engine of attaining The Kenya Vision 2030.The objectives of TVET are; committed in training for skill development, social efficiency and democratic participation however skill development has been overemphasized. Implications of the study identify TVET as an engine of national development that has been all along given a low profile, lowly funded and a level of training that accommodates majority of the secondary graduates. The study recommends promotion of holistic competency training that promotes lifelong learning whereby emphasis is on the competencies for the world of work and not only for employability and economic development.


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How to Cite

Simiyu, A., Omuterema, S., Injendi, J., & Mukonyi, P. (2024). Evaluating Objectives of TVET in Kenya in Light of Pragmatic Theory towards Lifelong Learning: A Holistic Approach to Competency Training. African Quarterly Social Science Review, 1(4), 134-148. https://doi.org/10.51867/AQSSR.1.4.12

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